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Log 6: Our Visit

Today we headed down to the shelter to conduct our third round of interviews but unfortunately, Kristin was held back by unforeseen circumstances and we were unable to do so. Still, we were really happy we went down because we had a lovely time with Linda, Kim and Dany (: Dany was very distraught and ridden with fear that day. She said she woke up panicking - something that she experiences from time to time. With tearful eyes, she recalled the trauma and abuse she faced when she was younger. "Now... people still are very sexual with me. People still abuse me. I don't like it. I am scared." All we could do was listen, hold her hand and hug her. It was painful seeing her in that state and we tried our very best to think of possible solutions to help her through her suffering.

After hearing her out, she instantly lit up and squealed "I'm going to go buy ice-cream and drinks for you guys!!! Just wait here, okay?" We marvelled at how someone who was robbed of so much, was still so generous.

When Dany came back, we all gathered in Linda and Kim's room and had a good time chatting over the strawberry ice-cream and barley that Dany so thoughtfully bought for all of us. It was a very yummy and sweet time.

Linda then told us about the sweet memories of her friendship with Sofia - who had left the shelter after 9 months of staying there. It was heartwarming hearing the very apparent sisterhood that the girls had forged in the shelter. We're very glad that in the midst of all the pain that they've endured throughout their lives, that they've come out strong and found comfort, love and unity in each other.

Before we left, they said "after this project ends, please don't forget us! Please see us again because we really love having you guys here." - to which we felt, of course we'll never forget them. They're such admirable individuals who've become dear friends to our hearts. We're very thankful for the friendships that we've gained from this and can't wait to have more outings together.

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